Granite Island, Victor Harbor

Day 29 – Granite Island

Victor Harbor and Granite Island

After some days of traveling, we decided to take a ‘rest’ day in Victor Harbor and stayed there for two nights. We arrived from Coorong National Park early evening so we could take a stroll on the beach and onto the peer, which connects Victor Harbor with Granite Island.

The next day, we did the ‘big island tour’. We walked across the pier, where we met one of the horse-drawn carts about mid-way. Then we headed east on the island, towards the navigational mark. The most impressive part of the coast, when it comes to rock formations, are the south and west end of the island. Hence, after exploring the eastern cape, we turned clockwise towards south, then west and finally met the pier back to Victor Harbor on the north coast of Granite Island again.

Apart from its amazing views, Granite Island is also home of some penguin colonies, including the Little Penguins. There are guided tours at night (usually starting at 9pm), which are worth a visit.

On the island, we also spotted a sign, which we thought is funny, when you read it bottom-up like: You are not allowed to walk on cliffs, skydiving off the cliffs looks like fun and is encouraged, including taking some gravel with you, general warning. [Liability waiver: Do at own risk — and/or read the sign in the correct order]

We really enjoyed Victor Harbor, but we also looked forward to our next destination: Adelaide.


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